The customized integration program

A proper welcome for our new recruits is the key to helping them settle in as quickly as possible and flourish in their new assignments. Integration at Anaïk begins well before the arrival of the new employee, with a variety of interviews (with managers, colleagues, human resources, etc.) to help them fully understand the assignment, a signed promise of employment, anticipated administrative procedures and an individualized integration program prepared in advance.

On the day of his arrival, we organize a welcome breakfast to introduce him to the teams. Over a period of several weeks, the new employee is given the opportunity to interact with all the business units, and his or her manager regularly assesses the effectiveness of the induction process.

And because a fresh eye brings new points of view, an astonishment report concludes this integration phase.

HR support until the end of the trial period

Welcome booklet, HR follow-up and support, employee/manager pairing support

At least one month's planning

Pre-constructed by the manager, astonishment report to be submitted one month later

A sponsor or tutor

He or she will act as a guide from the moment the employee arrives.

Welcome Day

A day of integration and job training to get to know Anaïk and the new employees better

Our internal career development policy

Anaik's policy of internal career development is a reality. In 2022, 8.6% of our workforce had the opportunity to move up the career ladder: a new position, new managerial responsibilities, continuation of an internship on an open-ended contract, geographical mobility... The aim is to offer everyone the chance to work on their career plans. The prospects are varied, as long as they are in line with the company's project and performance.

At Anaïk, all job vacancies are open to employees first, which encourages internal career development.

Professional fulfillment

The development interview between an employee and his/her manager is the ideal opportunity, in addition to operational exchanges, to share information on the achievement of objectives and skills, as well as on mutual expectations: energy at work, pro-personal balance, professional fulfillment, training needs, career advancement...

2021 was the opportunity to change the tool used to manage these interviews and to define the rules: 1 full annual interview + 3 additional quarterly interviews, which can be shorter.

Every quarter, we assess the commitment of our employees: their motivation, their pride in belonging, their involvement, but also their projections for the future, all within a constructive and benevolent vision. An opportunity to listen to their expectations and build the future together.

Implemented in mid-2020, Anaïk achieved an average score of 3.94/5 out of a 79% participation rate for the year 2022. This barometer has enabled us to identify the first avenues for continuous improvement.

Since 2021, Anaïk has decided to offer employees who wish to do so, up to 2 days of teleworking per week and has set up a Positive Teleworking Guide.

Telecommuting can help develop a better quality of life at work. It helps reduce commuting time and the positive impact on the environment. It can also boost productivity, enabling us to make progress on subjects that require concentration or to carry out individual tasks. At the same time, working at Anaïk is also about the joy of being together. Alternating between telecommuting and the office is a real opportunity.

The teleworking guide provides employees with information on the rules governing teleworking at Anaïk, as well as best practices and advice on workstation ergonomics, waste sorting...


2023 Anaïk Group. All rights reserved.

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